Оновлення щодо переваг

Cover All Coloradans: розширене покриття для вагітних і дітей

У 2025 році: розширене медичне страхування для вагітних і дітей, відоме як Cover All Coloradans, розширить пільги Health First Colorado та CHP+ для дітей і вагітних незалежно від їх імміграційного статусу чи громадянства. Вагітні люди охоплюватимуться протягом 12 місяців після закінчення вагітності, а діти охоплюватимуться до 18 років. Дізнайтеся більше про нові переваги Cover All Coloradans.

Make sure that Health First Colorado (Colorado’s Medicaid program) has your correct phone number, email and mailing address.

It is important that you can be contacted if you need to fill out important paperwork. Has your contact information changed? Have you moved in the past three years?

You can update your information in one of these ways:”

SNAP Households Will See a Reduction in Benefits to the Pre-pandemic Monthly Amount Beginning March 2023

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Congress authorized Emergency Allotments to help meet food needs. These Emergency Allotments are temporary and will be ending in March 2023, decreasing the total amount of benefits each month for SNAP households in Colorado.

We know this change may have a significant impact on many SNAP families. To help reduce the impact on households, families can:

  • Roll over EBT benefits to the next month, if they are able to. This may help cushion the impact of the reduction in benefits.
  • Stock up on non-perishable items now, while households have the additional benefits. (View tips on stocking your pantry in англійська or Іспанська.)
  • Stretch food ingredients and plan to use them in more than one meal. This helps to save money and reduce food waste. (View tips on stretching ingredients in англійська or Іспанська.)
  • Consider freezing produce to make fruit and vegetables last longer. (View tips on freezing food in англійська or Іспанська.)
  • Look at unit prices to compare similar products at the grocery store. (View tips on comparing prices in англійська or Іспанська.)

If you or someone you know needs help with food resources, you can visit the local food pantry list near you.

SNAP participants can call their local county human services office for questions about their benefits. 

For more information, please visit Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
Disclaimer: The state and counties are not able to extend emergency benefits.

Accountable Care Collaborative (ACC) Announcement: