
Local Program Improvement Advisory Committee (PIAC) FAQs

If you have Health First Colorado (Colorado’s Medicaid Program) or are a family member/caregiver of a Health First Colorado Member, you may join! Other people who are a part of PIAC include:

  • Northeast Health Partners’ leaders
  • Providers (Primary doctor, behavioral health)
  • Care Coordinators
  • Advocates such as Department of Public Health or Department of Human Services
  • Health Neighborhood (specialists, hospitals, Long Term Services and Support (LTSS), oral health, nursing homes)

It is important to have diverse people join this group!

PIAC meets monthly and Members/Families/Caregivers are welcome at all meetings. However, each third month, the meeting will be only for Northeast Health Partners Members/Families/Caregivers.

We want Members, Families and Caregivers to guide and inform Northeast Health Partners’ leaders about what you have to say about your health care. Your viewpoint is very important for us to know when planning health programs. Northeast Health Partners believes that every Member matters and we want to keep you at the center of our health care plan.

The state wants Northeast Health Partners to know how to improve health, access, cost, and your liking of services.

We know that your time is important.   So, why should you invest your time?   Here is the Top Ten List!

  1. You will get to learn ways to use your health plan.
  2. You will get snacks and also paid for the miles you travel to the meeting.
  3. You will connect with others which is a positive health impact.
  4. You can provide feedback about what concerns you.
  5. You will learn about resources in your community.
  6. You will guide what happens for future generations.
  7. Volunteering has a positive health impact!
  8. You will get to know leaders in your health plan.
  9. Your voice is important!

There are some topics which may or may not interest you.  We will talk about the following:

  • Review Member materials and hear your feedback
  • Learn about ways to improve your health care
  • Listen to your health care experience
  • Review Key Performance Indicators (measures tied to payments for Northeast Health Partners)
  • Review what Northeast Health Partners said they would do for the state contract
  • Discuss program policy changes and hear your feedback
  • Review Northeast Health Partners’ performance data
  • We will make sure that you, your family members, or your caregivers feel safe giving feedback.
  • We will provide access if you have a disability.
  • We will pay you for the miles you travel to the meeting.
  • We will have a Northeast Health Partners leader chair the meeting.
  • We will post how the group is structured on our website
  • We will have meetings every three months
  • We will open PIAC meetings to the public.
  • We will post meeting minutes on our website within thirty (30) days.
  • You will have the chance to attend the State’s PIAC meeting.

Yes!  During a PIAC meeting, one Member’s story made a change in the way that we planned to engage Members. The Member told us that Hispanic Members need to be engaged in their community.  Phone calls do not work.  Letters do not work.  He suggested having messages on the radio, going to car shows, and being present at local events.  He talked about how many Members refuse to seek help for their health care because they do not trust the “system.”  The PIAC members began to look at new ways to engage Members and help them feel safe in getting their health care needs met.